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What is Reiki?

Reiki is a form of stress reduction and relaxation that also promotes healing. It is administered by "laying on hands."
A subtle energy flows from the hands of the practitioner into the client, and it's this energy that creates the relaxation and healing effect.
Reiki cannot cause harm and can only carry out its mission, which is to heal and return all it touches to healthy functioning. Reiki does this on all levels: body, mind, and spirit, working to make us whole and complete.
Reiki works in harmony with all other therapeutic methods, along with alternative and complimentary therapies. It is a great addition to western medicine and works safely with prescription drugs, surgery, and medical procedures. Reiki can also help with your Intentions and goals.

If you would like to be attuned now, and to try a self-session of Reiki, repeat these words from Brett Bevells book, REIKI For Spiritual Healing.

Blessed are those who have brought us Reiki
Blessed are those who continue this sacred light
I and my Higher Self
ask for the first empowerment of Reiki
Blessings unto all
Blessings unto me

(Place your hands on yourself to receive Reiki. You may also place your hands on others, pets, plants, the list goes on.:)
(You may also do a second and third empowerment of Reiki, by changing the word "first" to "second" or "third".:)